Yacht Racing tips


After Hurricane Irma Sailing Return to Help Caribbean

The Irma hurricane came in September 2017 and it was the strongest in the Atlantic basin till date. The hurricane did lots of damage to properties and people. The Hurricane Maria came just after that and did damage all over including the Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

When Petz was asked about this, she recalled her old memories and went in deep grief. She was in the US during that time and her husband was there. But, there was no communication.

She said, that was the time when the thought of yachting and organizing the annual BVI Spring Regatta and Sailing Week, such a huge international event, which is also the highlights of the sailing season of small country was like frivolous amidst the carnage for Prez, as she was the director of this body that time.

However, when Petz returned to Tortola, she saw the place and was surprised, he described this place as one of the most beautiful places on the earth. She was aware that she had to support the battered islands and get it back on some kind of normality as soon as possible.

‘Miracle regatta’

She made the commitment of putting on the regatta to showcase that the life still continues on the BVI, not to mention a welcome boost to the severely hit tourism sector and attract visitors. The ambition of hosting the event without power and high damage to the host place was kind of unrealistic.

Yet, after the effort of six months, Petz along with her team managed to attract almost 70 yachts including their crews. Among 70 yachts some are coming from France and the UK as well. This effort is more remarkable by the fact that the whole works was done on computers and because there was no power, solar batteries were used and the event venue was made from scratch.